Monday 19 November 2018

Stephanie Bell Talk

  • Went to Shilington College for 3 months after graduating 
  • Worked at Dazed & Confused
  • Digitally Native- link to Black Mirror type of thing
  • Piczo
  • UX- how the user experiences the app/website
  • UI- service level; buttons, aesthetics, colours etc
  • Specialising in UX design can mean you could earn a lot more money
  • Currently working at Social Chain- founded 4 years ago, offices in Manchester, New York etc. Work for big brandS
  • Process; brief comes in, ideation and decision, low fidelity wireframes, feedback, high fidelity wireframes/version one, feedback, refinement, prototype, build. Doesn't always go smoothly, a lot of going back and forth throughout the process.
  • When making wireframes, start by sketching!
  • Offering- In-house: Micro-sites and landing pages for data capture and short campaigns, full websites and e-commerce sites, progressive web apps, interactive quizzes
  • Offering- Outsourced: Games, animation, mobile apps
  • Sketch app, download the free trial; 
  • Good app design: needs to be clean and minimal (the bare minimum, no over-complicating!) go onto apple guide lines as it gives you the exact pixels of what buttons etc should be, quick (requiring not too much scrolling and faffing about etc) 
  • Flogo- A logo that floats

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