Monday, 14 January 2019

Posters development

I have now developed the set of 3 posters further. I have chosen and edited the photographs that I want to use and have kept the hashtag #MakeItTheNorm alongside the Durex logo at the bottom right corner of each poster. I am really happy with how these photographs look.

I now need to add the typography/short messages into each poster which I will need to research further into typography for. At the moment I think they look good but quite minimal, however this may be a good thing since the brief tackles a sensitive topic; a more busy/wacky aesthetic may be inappropriate for the brief.

I have played around with some very quick collage experiments to see whether a pre-made typeface or a hand written typeface would work better. At the moment I prefer a hard written typeface as it creates contrast with the clean shot photographs, hand written type is also relevant to the posters concept as it relates to every day life.

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