Wednesday 16 January 2019

Typography Photoshoot/Ideas

The condom typography takes its inspiration from previous research that I did on the Roger Moore banned Durex advert. I have always found the use of objects for typography really interesting, it also means that it is new and original material which I enjoy.

The advert caused quite a stir when it was launched in the early 2000s (the UK actually banned it). However the the advert managed receive an award in 2004 at the ‘The Roses Advertising Awards’ in the category ‘Best use of typography’. Sir Roger Moore is in fact best known for his acting jobs as the famous 007 (James Bond). James bond isn't known as the most modest type when it comes to girls, so in fact this Durex ad aims to communicate two things at the same time. The first one is that with the ‘Perfoma’ product line you’ll want more and do more. The second, unspoken, thing is that there’s a connection between 007’s sexual behaviour and the use of condoms.

Furthermore, I have taken inspiration for this and created my own typography using condoms. It would be quite difficult to blow the condoms up like the Roger Moore advert does, so I just placed the condoms straight out of the packet into the letters that I wanted. My aim was to spell out 'Make it the norm' which is the hashtag/slogan that will appear throughout my campaign.

I edited each letter separately so that I could place the letters/sentence however I wanted, which would allow me to experiment with composition and grids more.

I have edited the letters further and spelt out the slogan/hashtag 'Make it the norm' I am really happy with how the letters turned out as the sentence is clear and legible, the concept is also fun and young which relates to the target audience for the brief.

I will either use this as the cover of the brochure and/or as a separate poster. If I also used it as a poster it might be interesting to edit it further through animating it and adding relevant information about the campaign alongside the typography.

I also experimented with adding colour into the letters. I used a red shade as the colour red is associated with meanings that include passion, desire, sexuality, sensitivity and romance.

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